| FOOD VENDOR FEE WAIVED! | 2025 MARIAS FAIR - JULY 17, 2025 TO JULY 19, 2025 | | FOOD VENDOR FEE WAIVED! | 2025 MARIAS FAIR - JULY 17, 2025 TO JULY 19, 2025 | | FOOD VENDOR FEE WAIVED! | 2025 MARIAS FAIR - JULY 17, 2025 TO JULY 19, 2025 | MARIAS FAIR FOOD VENDORAPPLICATION & AGREEMENT Complete in FullThe Marias Fair reserves the right to reject any vendor application. ORGANIZATION * EMAIL * CONTACT NAME First Name Last Name TITLE MAILING ADDRESS * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country PHONE * (###) ### #### WEBSITE http:// VENDOR SPACE * GRANDSTANDS COMMERCIAL FOOD SPACE OUTSIDE COMMERCIAL FOOD SPACE ADDITIONAL VEHICLE PASS Vendor Spaces In NONE 1 ADDITIONAL VEHICLE PASS 2 ADDITIONAL VEHCILE PASSES LIST ALL PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO BE MARKETED, DISPLAYED OR SOLD * VENDOR AGREEEMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT * Grandstands Commercial Food Space (Former Lions Booth) **FOOD VENDOR FEE WAIVED FOR 2025 FAIR!** Outside Commercial Food Space (Midway) **FOOD VENDOR FEE WAIVED FOR 2025 FAIR!** Additional Vehicle Pass $5.00 NOTE: Vendor Spaces include one (1) vehicle pass. Vendors may not have an RV in their vendor space during the fair. Please contact the Marias Fair Manager to reserve an RV campsite. Separate charges apply. Gross Sales Reports will be calculated and payment is due within 30 Days of The Marias Fair**FOOD VENDOR FEE WAIVED FOR 2024 FAIR!** Attach Full Menu with completed application. Insurance Requirements All commercial food vendors at The Marias Fair must provide proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 for the general aggregate, that names The Marias Fair and Toole County as additional insureds. Food Vendors will be required to provide The Marias Fair with proof of liability insurance before being permitted to operate. Allocation of Space The Marias Fair will determine space allocation. When practical, space will be allotted on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Marias Fair will make every effort to provide successful exhibitors from previous year’s fair first choice on exhibit space. The Marias Fair reserves the right to rearrange the location of any and all booths or displays when in its judgment such action would be in the best interest of the Fair. Exhibitors will be chosen and placed in a manner that the management considers conducive to a successful Fair for both exhibitors and patrons. It is expressly understood that the space assigned to the vendor cannot be subleased by any party. Exhibitor Move-In All booths must be in place by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 17th, 2025, until 11:00 p.m. Saturday, July 19th, 2025. All booths must be placed within their allotted space. Any stock supplies or boxes must be within the allotted space, and areas must be kept clean and attractive. Outside booths, please be sure you have enough space to allow for a tie-down of your tent or awning as some tie-downs do not extend straight down. Outside booths must be able to withstand 40 mph winds without presenting a danger to the public. General Booth Information 110v electric service is available to each space. Extension cords are required and will not be provided by The Marias Fair. Any construction or wiring (completed only by licensed electrician) will be at the exhibitor’s expense and must be approved in advance by the Fair Manager and Marias Fair Board. Care of Premises The area assigned to vendors will be kept neat and clean. Vendors will meet any health, safety, and sanitation conditions required. The Marias Fair will not be responsible for maintenance of any equipment, furnishing tools to maintain any displays or equipment, or cleaning of booth space. Storage All excess storage items must be stored inside booth space. Vendors are not allowed to utilize any space behind or around their marked booth area. Storage considerations must be planned in advance. Any special requests to place a storage trailer on the property must be discussed with The Marias Fair Manager for approval. Times & Hours of Operation Marias Fair entrances will be open to the public from Noon to 11:00 p.m. each day of the Fair. All booths must be staffed during these hours. You must be in your space and ready for business at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 17th, and Noon on subsequent days. Outside booths are required to be open at the same hours. The grandstands and beer gardens do not close until midnight. Outside exhibitors may wish to stay open until that time although are only required to be open until 11:00 p.m. The Fair staff will be monitoring booths to assure they are staffed during the required hours. Any violators will receive warnings about lateness or proper staffing of booths. Exhibitors receiving warnings run the risk of not being invited back to Marias Fair. Exhibit Tear-Down Vendors may begin to tear down at 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 19th. ABSOLUTELY NO TEARDOWN MAY BEGIN BEFORE THAT TIME. The Marias Fair ends at 12:00 midnight, and vehicles will be allowed in at that time for load out. If you prefer to move out on Sunday, the fairgrounds, grandstands, and mercantile building will be open. All merchandise and equipment must be removed from the grounds no later than 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. If for any reason you are unable to completely move out on Sunday, please contact the Marias Fair Manager ahead of time to make proper arrangements. Any items remaining on the grounds or in the buildings after this time become the property of Marias Fair. Security The Marias Fair assumes no responsibility for materials left in booths. If you have anything in your display of value that could be carried away, it is suggested that you take it with you each night when you leave the grounds. There will be security on the fairgrounds for the duration of the Fair. Please report any theft or vandalism to Marias Fair management. The Marias Fair is not responsible for any loss or damage. Deliveries Deliveries or any re-stocking must be done before 11:00a.m. every morning of the Fair. Vendors with parking passes appropriately displayed in their vehicles will be allowed on the grounds before 11:00 a.m. for deliveries or unloading only. All vehicles must be off the grounds by 11:00 a.m. Unauthorized Sales It is expressly understood that exhibitors are prohibited from selling any articles or products or rendering any services except those specifically listed on their Vendor Application. Marias Fair management reserves the right to require removal of any objects which are not listed on your contract or are in the opinion of management deemed to be offensive, hazardous or might adversely affect the Fair’s image. The Fair management will determine whether an item is considered offensive or in poor taste and can prohibit the sale/display of any such items. Products and services that are NOT allowed to be sold by vendors or brought into the Fair include: knives, ear piercing, permanent tattooing, firearms, lasers, stun guns, switchblades, brass knuckles, pornographic or drug- related items and fireworks of any nature. Vendors selling any of the above goods or services will be removed from the premises, all fees paid will be forfeited and the vendor will be barred from future vendor participation at The Marias Fair. Alcohol No beer, wine, intoxicating liquor or controlled substance of any kind shall be kept, sold or consumed by the vendors or their employees within their allotted space. COMMERCIAL VENDOR RESPONSIBILITY The Commercial Vendor acknowledges they have read all applicable rules and regulations and agrees said rules and regulations are made part of this agreement as though fully incorporated herein. Commercial Vendor further acknowledges they have read this agreement fully and that all points shall apply unless this agreement is amended by the parties hereto. In case of any dispute the decisions of Marias Fair Management are final. The commercial vendor is familiar with and agrees to the regulations governing the leasing of this space and with the conduct of my exhibit. NO CLAIM for injury to any person or property shall ever be asserted, or suit instituted or maintained against: The Marias Fair, Toole County, or Marias Fair Board, its officers or agents, or on behalf of person, firm or corporation or their agents, representatives or servants or those occupying space on the grounds. The Commercial Vendor acknowledges they have read all applicable rules and regulations and agrees said rules and regulations are made part of this agreement as though fully incorporated herein. Commercial Vendor further acknowledges they have read this agreement fully and that all points shall apply unless this agreement is amended by the parties hereto. In case of any dispute the decisions of Marias Fair Management are final. The commercial vendor is familiar with and agrees to the regulations governing the leasing of this space and with the conduct of my exhibit. NO CLAIM for injury to any person or property shall ever be asserted, or suit instituted or maintained against: The Marias Fair, Toole County, or Marias Fair Board, its officers or agents, or on behalf of person, firm or corporation or their agents, representatives or servants or those occupying space on the grounds. THANK YOU FOR